Lorna Lemay
Trainer & Practitioner
Lorna Lemay is a passionate and experienced peacebuilder who has spent many years in service to the community, building capacity and inspiring change. Many organizations have benefitted from Lorna’s leadership and support from community-based, to government, to a national healthcare organization. She is known for her dedication to consensus building, establishing trust and empowering people, along with recognition as a captivating and expert key-note speaker and trainer.
She is an expert facilitator, training designer, business strategist, mediator and public relations/communicator with certifications that include the International Association of Public Participation, International Association of Facilitators, Canadian Institute for Conflict Resolution (CICR), Ontario Coalition of Community Mediators and Community Conflict Resolution Ottawa(CCRO).
Her philanthropy has taken many forms over the years as a past-member and current advisor to the CICR Board, CEO of ForGiving ForRestoring Canada, Director of Community Conflict Resolution Ottawa, Chair of the Restorative Ottawa Community Collective and co-founder of a registered children’s charity, “Chance Foundation”. Her work history includes the Federal Court of Canada, Citizenship and Immigration Canada and Canadian Blood Services. Lorna is the President of LL Concord Consultation Mediation Services Inc.