Patricia Brady
Trainer & Practitioner
Patricia embarked on her mediation journey as a government-accredited mediator in 1998. In 2003, she founded Minding The Gap Consultants Inc., dedicated to fostering positive and sustainable solutions for Employers and Unions. Her passion lies in identifying and addressing the needs of all parties, fostering respectful workplaces, and developing collaborative conflict management strategies.
As part of her comprehensive services, Patricia conducts workplace assessments, provides executive coaching, and facilitates mediations. She takes pride in delivering core training for the four CICR program modules and takes pleasure in customizing training programs tailored to the specific needs of organizations.
Patricia's dedication extends to facilitating restorative justice opportunities for victims and offenders of serious crime since 2009. Her education and training in trauma, critical incident stress management, and mental health significantly contribute to her expertise in this field.
Her academic accomplishments include holding a Masters Degree in Counseling and a Masters Degree in Communication in Professions and Organizations. Over the years, she has garnered extensive experience as an Accredited and Chartered Mediator and as an Accredited Peace Professional.